Monday, March 22, 2010

7th at Pebble Beach

                                 The 7th at Pebble Beach
                                Oil on Panel,   11x14

It never fails. Any time I find myself perplexed about what subject I
should put my next painting effort into, I most often settle on a composition
of a scenic idea for a Pebble Beach Painting. So far I've sold every one.
Here's a nice little gem that could easily translate into a larger work.
By the way, while playing this 7th hole, I made par and my brother chipped
in for a birdie.

 Click on image for a larger view

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorites, absolutely beautiful, and incomprehensible the genius talent going into your 7th @ Pebble Beach. Randy & Deirdre


Battery Point Lighthouse

Battery Point Lighthouse
12x16 on panel